Current Offerings
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Rooted in Peace Through Loving-Kindness
$90/series, 6-weeks online
Wednesdays 9:30am PT (12:30pm ET)
March 20-May 1, 2024
Humans have an unlimited capacity for love. We are capable of creating peace and walking hand-in-hand through our day with kindness in our relationships with our selves, other humans, and non-humans. In many ways, the modern world encourages detachment from this infinite love. This series provides the building blocks for reintegration of loving kindness in our internal lives and relationships. Using the Quiet Rebellion approach to integrating Yoga into Daily Life, we will sit together in community and build our capacity for infinite love. Each class will consist of a Metta (loving-kindness) guided meditation, group dialogue, and silent meditation. Throughout the series, with our community we will expand our ability to sit with “what is” by creating more space for quiet/silent meditation. Following the needs of the group, the sessions will progress toward an hour of silent meditation. These sessions are intended for those curious about contemplative meditation, regardless of your current practice with meditation. This is an opportunity to build your capacity of quiet connection, inner peace, and gain support through loving community. This class is open to all people and in creating a safe space, ahimsa (non-violence) will be practised, focusing our energy on inclusion and support for our community. All levels of experience with meditation are welcome in this class. Register below.
On the eve of the new moon, we invite you to join us for a restorative evening. Combining the teaching of restorative, prop-supported postures, breathwork, and guided Yoga Nidra (a deeply restful and meditative practice) - this evening session is intended to support your self-care. The time for deep grounding in the spring season is coming to a close. In the company of community, we will embody the notion of rest as a way to enter gently into the most fiery of seasons, summer. Informed by Ayurvedic tradition, Betsy and Erin will prepare a variety of herbal teas to support your rest in this transition. Bring your favorite mug, a comfortable pair of socks, and we’ll guide you through an evening practice that embraces the transitions of the season. Register at:
Om shanti, shanti, shanti. Unity, peace, peace, peace. Easier to say, perhaps much more challenging to embody. Utilizing techniques from long-standing practices that encourage ahimsa (non-violence), this workshop will provide space for cultivating inner peace in the contemporary world. This practice is suited to those who have an interest or curiosity in contemplative meditation, regardless of whether you have a routine meditation practice. The workshop will begin with an explanation of “finding your seat” and the structure of the silent meditation techniques. We will then proceed into a mix of unguided, silent stationary (“seated”) and mobile (“walking”) meditation. In this quiet, one may find the array of humanity. We will close our time with a community circle to discuss the practice and our intentions moving forward. Register at:
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